

徽章是包含数字或文字的Ionic中的简单组件。 您可以显示徽章来表明有与其所在项目相关联的新信息。

Sass Variables

  • All

属性 默认 描述
$badge-font-size 1.3rem Font size of the badge
$badge-font-weight bold Font weight of the badge

Sass 变量

  • iOS

属性 默认 描述
$badge-ios-border-radius 10px Border radius of the badge
$badge-ios-background-color color($colors-ios, primary) Background color of the badge
$badge-ios-text-color color-contrast($colors-ios, $badge-ios-background-color) Text color of the badge
  • Material Design

属性 默认值 描述
$badge-md-border-radius 4px Border radius of the badge
$badge-md-background-color color($colors-md, primary) Background color of the badge
$badge-md-text-color color-contrast($colors-md, $badge-md-background-color) Text color of the badge
  • Windows Platform

属性 默认值 描述
$badge-wp-border-radius 0 Border radius of the badge
$badge-wp-background-color color($colors-wp, primary) Background color of the badge
$badge-wp-text-color color-contrast($colors-wp, $badge-wp-background-color) Text color of the badge



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