
ion-col, [ion-col]

列是网格系统的蜂窝组件,并进入一行。 他们将扩大填补他们的行。 网格内的所有内容都应该在列中

Col 属性

默认情况下,列将展开以填充行的整个高度。 可以将几个属性添加到列中以自定义此行为。

属性 描述
align-self-start Addsalign-self: flex-start. The column will be vertically aligned at the top.
align-self-center Addsalign-self: center. The column will be vertically aligned in the center.
align-self-end Addsalign-self: flex-end. The column will be vertically aligned at the bottom.
align-self-stretch Addsalign-self: stretch. The column will be stretched to take up the entire height of the row.
align-self-baseline Addsalign-self: baseline. The column will be vertically aligned at its baseline.

Sass 变量


属性 默认值 描述
$grid-breakpoints ( xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px ) The minimum dimensions at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes, for use in media queries
$grid-max-widths ( sm: 540px, md: 720px, lg: 960px, xl: 1140px ) Maximum width of the grid for different screen sizes
$grid-columns 12 Number of columns for the grid
$grid-padding-width 10px Total width of the padding for the grid
$grid-padding-widths ( xs: $grid-padding-width, sm: $grid-padding-width, md: $grid-padding-width, lg: $grid-padding-width, xl: $grid-padding-width ) Padding for the columns for different screen sizes

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