

ion-fab-list是多个FAB按钮的容器。 它们是ion-fab的组件,可让您对按钮的位置,左,右,顶部和底部进行具体说明。


<ion-fab bottom right >
  <button ion-fab>Share</button>
  <ion-fab-list side="top">
    <button ion-fab>Facebook</button>
    <button ion-fab>Twitter</button>
    <button ion-fab>Youtube</button>
  <ion-fab-list side="left">
    <button ion-fab>Vimeo</button>


Sass 变量

  • All

Property Default Description
$fab-size 56px Width and height of the FAB button
$fab-mini-size 40px Width and height of the FAB button mini
$fab-content-margin 10px Margin of the FAB Container
$fab-list-margin 10px Margin of the FAB List
$fab-list-button-background-color #f4f4f4 Background color of the button in a list
  • iOS

Property Default Description
$fab-ios-background-color color($colors-ios, primary) Background color of the button
$fab-ios-text-color color-contrast($colors-ios, $fab-ios-background-color) Text color of the button
$fab-ios-background-color-activated color-shade($fab-ios-background-color) Background color of the activated button
$fab-ios-list-button-background-color $fab-list-button-background-color Background color of the button in a list
$fab-ios-list-button-text-color color-contrast($colors-ios, $fab-ios-list-button-background-color) Text color of the button in a list
$fab-ios-list-button-background-color-activated color-shade($fab-ios-list-button-background-color) Background color of the activated button in a list
$fab-ios-list-button-transition-duration 200ms Transition duration of the transform and opacity of the button in a list
$fab-ios-list-button-transition-timing-function ease Speed curve of the transition of the transform and opacity of the button in a list
$fab-ios-list-button-transition-delay 10ms Transition delay of the transform and opacity of the button in a list
  • Material Design

Property Default Description
$fab-md-box-shadow 0 4px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .14), 0 4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1) Box shadow of the FAB button
$fab-md-box-shadow-activated 0 5px 15px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .4), 0 4px 7px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1) Box shadow of the activated FAB button
$fab-md-background-color color($colors-md, primary) Background color of the button
$fab-md-text-color color-contrast($colors-md, $fab-md-background-color) Text color of the button
$fab-md-background-color-activated color-shade($fab-md-background-color) Background color of the activated button
$fab-md-list-button-background-color $fab-list-button-background-color Background color of the button in a list
$fab-md-list-button-text-color color-contrast($colors-md, $fab-md-list-button-background-color) Text color of the button in a list
$fab-md-list-button-background-color-activated color-shade($fab-md-list-button-background-color) Background color of the activated button in a list
$fab-md-list-button-transition-duration 200ms Transition duration of the transform and opacity of the button in a list
$fab-md-list-button-transition-timing-function ease Speed curve of the transition of the transform and opacity of the button in a list
$fab-md-list-button-transition-delay 10ms Transition delay of the transform and opacity of the button in a list
  • Windows Platform

Property Default Description
$fab-wp-background-color color($colors-wp, primary) Background color of the button
$fab-wp-text-color color-contrast($colors-wp, $fab-wp-background-color) Text color of the button
$fab-wp-background-color-activated color-shade($fab-wp-background-color) Background color of the activated button
$fab-wp-list-button-background-color $fab-list-button-background-color Background color of the button in a list
$fab-wp-list-button-text-color color-contrast($colors-wp, $fab-wp-list-button-background-color) Text color of the button in a list
$fab-wp-list-button-background-color-activated color-shade($fab-wp-list-button-background-color) Background color of the activated button in a list
$fab-wp-list-button-transition-duration 200ms Transition duration of the transform and opacity of the button in a list
$fab-wp-list-button-transition-timing-function ease Speed curve of the transition of the transform and opacity of the button in a list
$fab-wp-list-button-transition-delay 10ms Transition delay of the transform and opacity of the button in a list


FAB 组件文档

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