

复选框是基于模式的简单组件。 它可以放置在离子物品中或用作独立复选框。

有关表单和输入的更多信息,请参阅“Angular 2 文档”。



    <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="pepperoni"></ion-checkbox>

    <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="sausage" disabled="true"></ion-checkbox>

    <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="mushrooms"></ion-checkbox>




属性 类型 详情
checked boolean If true, the element is selected.
disabled boolean If true, the user cannot interact with this element.


属性 详情
ionChange Emitted when the checkbox value changes.

Sass 变量

  • iOS

属性 默认值 描述
$checkbox-ios-background-color-off $list-ios-background-color Background color of the checkbox when off
$checkbox-ios-background-color-on color($colors-ios, primary) Background color of the checkbox when on
$checkbox-ios-icon-size 21px Size of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-ios-icon-border-color-off $list-ios-border-color Border color of the checkbox icon when off
$checkbox-ios-icon-border-color-on $checkbox-ios-background-color-on Border color of the checkbox icon when on
$checkbox-ios-icon-border-width 1px Border width of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-ios-icon-border-style solid Border style of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-ios-icon-border-radius 50% Border radius of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-ios-icon-checkmark-width 1px Width of the checkbox icon checkmark
$checkbox-ios-icon-checkmark-style solid Style of the checkbox icon checkmark
$checkbox-ios-icon-checkmark-color color-contrast($colors-ios, $checkbox-ios-background-color-on) Color of the checkbox icon checkmark
$checkbox-ios-disabled-opacity .3 Opacity of the disabled checkbox
$checkbox-ios-item-left-margin $item-ios-padding-media-top $item-ios-padding-right $item-ios-padding-media-bottom 2px Margin of the left checkbox item
$checkbox-ios-item-right-margin 10px 8px 9px 0 Margin of the right checkbox item
  • Material Design

属性 默认值 描述
$checkbox-md-border-bottom-width 1px Border bottom width of the checkbox
$checkbox-md-border-bottom-style solid Border bottom style of the checkbox
$checkbox-md-border-bottom-color $list-md-border-color Border bottom color of the checkbox
$checkbox-md-padding $item-md-padding-top ($item-md-padding-right / 2) $item-md-padding-bottom 0 Padding of the checkbox
$checkbox-md-margin 0 Margin of the checkbox
$checkbox-md-disabled-opacity .3 Opacity of the disabled checkbox
$checkbox-md-icon-background-color-off $list-md-background-color Background color of the checkbox icon when off
$checkbox-md-icon-background-color-on color($colors-md, primary) Background color of the checkbox icon when on
$checkbox-md-icon-size 16px Size of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-md-icon-checkmark-width 2px Width of the checkbox icon checkmark
$checkbox-md-icon-checkmark-style solid Style of the checkbox icon checkmark
$checkbox-md-icon-checkmark-color color-contrast($colors-md, $checkbox-md-icon-background-color-on) Color of the checkbox icon checkmark
$checkbox-md-icon-border-width 2px Border width of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-md-icon-border-style solid Border style of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-md-icon-border-radius 2px Border radius of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-md-icon-border-color-off darken($list-md-border-color, 40%) Border color of the checkbox icon when off
$checkbox-md-icon-border-color-on color($colors-md, primary) Border color of the checkbox icon when on
$checkbox-md-transition-duration 280ms Transition duration of the checkbox
$checkbox-md-transition-easing cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .2, 1) Transition easing of the checkbox
$checkbox-md-item-left-margin $item-md-padding-media-top 36px $item-md-padding-media-bottom 4px Margin of the left checkbox item
$checkbox-md-item-right-margin 11px 10px 10px 0 Margin of the right checkbox item
  • Windows Platform

属性 默认值 描述
$checkbox-wp-border-bottom-width 1px Border bottom width of the checkbox
$checkbox-wp-border-bottom-style solid Border bottom style of the checkbox
$checkbox-wp-border-bottom-color $list-wp-border-color Border bottom color of the checkbox
$checkbox-wp-padding $item-wp-padding-top ($item-wp-padding-right / 2) $item-wp-padding-bottom 0 Padding of the checkbox
$checkbox-wp-margin 0 Margin of the checkbox
$checkbox-wp-disabled-opacity .3 Opacity of the disabled checkbox
$checkbox-wp-icon-background-color-off $list-wp-background-color Background color of the checkbox icon when off
$checkbox-wp-icon-background-color-on color($colors-wp, primary) Background color of the checkbox icon when on
$checkbox-wp-icon-size 16px Size of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-wp-icon-checkmark-width 1px Width of the checkbox icon checkmark
$checkbox-wp-icon-checkmark-style solid Style of the checkbox icon checkmark
$checkbox-wp-icon-checkmark-color color-contrast($colors-wp, $checkbox-wp-icon-background-color-on) Color of the checkbox icon checkmark
$checkbox-wp-icon-border-width 2px Border width of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-wp-icon-border-style solid Border style of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-wp-icon-border-radius 0 Border radius of the checkbox icon
$checkbox-wp-icon-border-color-off #333 Border color of the checkbox icon when off
$checkbox-wp-icon-border-color-on color($colors-wp, primary) Border color of the checkbox icon when on
$checkbox-wp-item-left-margin $item-wp-padding-media-top $item-wp-padding-right $item-wp-padding-media-bottom 4px Margin of the left checkbox item
$checkbox-wp-item-right-margin 11px 10px 10px 0 Margin of the right checkbox item



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